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Thursday, February 17, 2011

February is Pet Dental Month!

Along with February being American Heart month for humans, for your furry loved ones it’s also Pet Dental Month. Center Pet agrees with the American Veterinary Medical Association about taking care of your pet’s teeth. The American Veterinary Medical Association encourages pet owners to take care of their dog and cats teeth, because of the bacterial troubles that can occur inside their mouths. And terrible periodontal health is something that can definitely be helped and fixed by pet owners.

An animal’s teeth should be taken care of just like humans. If their teeth and gums are not taken care of, they can develop more serious medical conditions. These small periodontal problems and infections can lead to other more serious health issues. The bigger issues that can come out of poor periodontal health are: kidney disease, diabetes, stroke and cardiovascular problems—like heart attacks. These potential life threatening troubles can be avoided, if pet owners take proper care of their pet’s teeth.

Make sure you have a daily dental routine for your pets, as you do with yourself. The number one effective way to help your pet not have poor oral health and periodontal problems, is brushing your pet’s teeth. Brushing their teeth can deduct tartar and plaque, just like in humans!

Center Pet encourages their clients to schedule dental exams while at the veterinarian. While doing that, Center Pet features C.E.T Home Dental Care products to keep pet’s teeth clean and diseased free. Center Pet carries the Enzymatic Toothpaste, which should be applied to a soft tooth brush and various forms of Hygiene chews for cats and dogs.

According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, “80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by age three.” Center Pet is here to help combat horrific periodontal health in pets and prevent awful diseases, so your pet is happy and healthy!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Spay Day 2011

Tuesday, February 22, The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International will hold their official Spay Day. This will be the 17th annual Spay Day to encourage citizens around the globe to save numerous animals’ lives by spaying or neutering pets and feral cats.

Center Pet agrees completely with The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society International on their initiative to help save animals through spaying and neutering. Because the Spay Day plan is to connect people around the US, (and also around the world) to come together to battle the major disaster of pet euthanasia through spaying and neutering their pets.

However, you can take part in helping out with Spay Day 2011, too! A very important question to ask yourself on Spay Day is: has your pet been spayed or neutered? If not, it is a great day to go see a vet with your furry friend to help out this cause. While helping the cause, you’re also helping your pet at the same time too!

Many Humane Societies across the world are willing to help your pets and make sure that they can be spayed and neutered at a low cost. If you happen to be in the Montgomery County area of Maryland, stop in to The Montgomery County Humane Society to find out about the three different spay and neuter programs that they have to help the community.

People who want to stand up for this great cause, hands-on can organize an event—which could include a spaying and neutering event, a fundraising event, or an educational event. Volunteering at a Spay Day event is also a great way to help out. You can find an event near you on The Humane Society website.

There are also numerous other ways to help Spay Day 2011. You can look at The Humane Society website to find out more ways for you to help.

Monday, February 14, 2011

How much do you love your pet?

Would you rather be loved and cherished by your pets, or by your spouse or partner? Center Pet wanted to find out how much people love their pets, during this current season of winter and love! Most people that we polled would rather spend time, and be loved by their pets—rather than by their spouse! In other words, people love their pets and would do anything for them. Some people would even make home cooked pet kibble and treats for their pets, rather than making themselves a home cooked dinner.

Your pets will never usually turn on you. Particularly when you are having a rough day—they’ll always be there for you. They know when something is wrong, and will be there to snuggle up with you to try to make things better. Pets are in this world for people to enjoy, and for them to have around as a special delight in their lives.

During this Valentine’s Day and winter season, find a reason to buy your pet a special present. Make your pet feel loved, because they truly will always love you unconditionally. Pets never pass any judgments; therefore they should be treated great because they are always there for you. And while you’re getting showered with love from your spouse or partner for Valentine’s Day, your pet should feel loved too!

Dogs, cats, amphibians, and birds of all types make people—old and young, smile and bring joy to their hearts. The warmth that a pet brings to your life is a very special feeling. Being around pet lovers, and being pet lovers ourselves, everyone at Center Pet wants to wish our lovely clients and their pets a Happy Valentine’s Day.

Photo Credit: critteristic.com

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Got Silence?

Many people want it, but most don’t have it when they have a dog in their life. What we are talking about is silence! Dogs bark for numerous reasons, but mainly to get their owners attention. Because they can’t speak to tell their owners that they’re bored or something is wrong—they bark instead. When dogs seem to get bored and need some entertainment they bark, also.

Some dogs bark for fun. Although it might not be fun for us humans at 3:00 in the morning, to them it can be a game. Since dogs don’t wear watches or have cell phone with the time on it, any time is game time to them!

When dogs are isolated from society, they seem to bark a lot. They bark because they are left alone and they need to release their pent up energy. Even if you leave your dog outside, they’re still alone and will bark because there is nothing stopping them, controlling them, or telling them not to!

Try and ignore your dog when they are barking nonstop. Yes, it is hard not to feed into the temptation of petting or playing with your dog—but for them to stop barking this is very necessary. Or try and distract them when they are barking with toys and food.

When you say good bye to your dog, and also animatedly come into your house—it will obviously excite your dog. When you practice not saying goodbye and come home nonchalantly, than your dog will get acquainted to it instead of getting so excited that you’re leaving or are home. Before you walk out the door to go to work, school, etc., settle your dog in with a good chew toy or bone. With using the chew toy or bone as a distraction, you can usually sneak out of the house without your dog noticing or getting upset. Also that chew toy or bone will be there for them to play with while you’re gone and hopefully will help calm down all of the barking.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Weight Issues in Dogs

Until the end of time, humans will have issues with their weight. The dog— man’s best friend has weight issues, too! As silly as it sounds, weight problems are not rare in dogs. As a national initiative, veterinarians across America are trying to fix weight problems occurring in dogs. This plan started in February 2008, and veterinarians everywhere in America participated in the National Canine Weight Check. These vets wanted to teach dog owners what an ideal weight for their dog is, and if their dog is obese what steps they can take to decrease their dog’s total amount of fat.

Not enough exercise, eating patterns and lifestyles, are not the only reasons why your dog can be gaining weight. A slow metabolism is also a key factor. Middle aged dogs mostly have slow metabolisms, and it is harder for them to burn off calories. Also, we all know that neutering is always a great thing— but it may add some weight onto your pup. Neutering makes, dogs gain weight due to the lowering of their metabolic rate.

Health risks are commonly associated with overweight dogs, but canine obesity is a sickness in itself. Not only can your dog have serious heart troubles, breathing issues and even arthritis, but they can develop various skin conditions due to obesity, too!

By treating your dog with love and respect it shows them that you are offering them the right tools for them to lose weight, as well. If you don’t want to see your dog get obese and have other body issues, you should feed them and have them exercise accordingly. There are many diet dog foods, and medications that your vet can prescribe, if obesity is a problem. Also, please have your dog’s veterinarian check your dog’s weight, and explain to you what you can do as the owner to help any weight problems that are occurring.

Take the hog out of your dog, and let’s fight obesity in dogs together!