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Sunday, August 22, 2010

How to Keep Your Ferret Fit

Having small pets like ferrets healthy is not hard, but you need to make sure that they get enough nutrients and exercise to survive. They’re very cute animals but if you don’t treat them right, then it could be fatal. Without exercise, ferrets can get obese and turn extremely lazy.

Did you know that ferrets are supposed to be outside of their cage for at least four hours? And two of those hours are supposed to have human interaction involved. Ferrets are very curious animals and like the communication with humans and other ferrets. They like to play tag and follow objects that are on poles, as well.

Some ferrets even enjoy multi-level cage and exercise pens. The multi-level cage allows your pet to go up and down ramps an stairs, and be entertained while inside. It is also a great way for them to exercise, while having a lot of fun-alone. With the exercise pen, you can let your ferret roam around in your house but in a single area, without getting lost or into some trouble. Your ferret will not get into any trouble in this isolated spot that you make for them.

Ferrets are fun animals that enjoy wrestling around and digging holes. But if you take your ferret to a public area, you may want to provide a lead, with a harness so you can keep track of them at all times. You don’t want to lose your cute, yet very entertaining furry friend! Also be sure to use flea and tick medication on your ferret before you go outside and play.

But beware of the heat when it gets extremely hot outside, because ferrets do get heat stroke. And always hydrate your ferret in hot weather! Dehydration is a serious problem, in many animals today.
We hope our handy guide to keeping your ferret healthy and fit, has helped you and your little friends! And remember if your ferrets need any medication, to call us to get it for you!

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