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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Dehydration in Cats

Did you know that most animals are made up of about 60 percent of water? But for cats when that amount of water drops to even about five percent below normal, they become dehydrated. And if it drops anymore past 10 percent below normal, then it can be deadly. Dehydration can have many lasting effects on cats like kidney problems and circulatory problems.

There are many symptoms you can watch out for; like dry mouth and increased heart rate, to make sure your cat is fully hydrated and nowhere near the point of dehydration. Sunken eyes, thick saliva, and fatigue are also symptoms of dehydration. If your cat has diarrhea and is vomiting, call a veterinarian immediately because they can be a cause and lead to dehydration. Although there are many causes of dehydration in cats, some are: having a fever, blood loss, and increased urination (because of medical conditions.)

Treating dehydration for your cats is easy, hydrate them! See your cats veterinarian before doing anything though. Intravenous fluids is a great rehydration method, you can find out more about that and catheters by your veterinarian.  

To ensure that your furry friend does not get dehydrated, you should always make sure that there is fresh, water provided for your cat. When you and your cat are playing outside, play in a sheltered place-not just in the sun. And if you put a little bit of water in your cats food, it will keep them more hydrated.

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