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Thursday, January 27, 2011

Dog Park Etiquette

As the weather gets warmer, your dog is going to want to leave all the snow in your backyard for the sunny dog park. The dog park is where dogs congregate, exercise and play with other dogs—essentially interacting with other playmates for them. With the wide open green space, come some rules that dog owners should know and abide by.

Please follow all of the rules that are posted at the dog park. The rules are there to help you and your dog. The rules keep you and your dog away from harm and state specific laws that are important, too. If you do not follow the rules, it can lead to you or your dog getting injured or other consequences like the dog park actually getting shut down.

Before visiting the dog park, make sure that your dog is healthy. Just like when humans are sick, contagious and go someplace with a lot of people, they can infect them, too. Fleas can jump from one dog to the next and other health risks and issues are the same way.

Also, be sure to clean up after your dog. It is not only rude, but leaving your dogs droppings can spread illnesses and diseases, also. A golden rule for dog park etiquette is to be sure to clean up after your dog. If you do not you might get fined or banned from the dog park. And no one wants to be given a fine or banned for something as easy as picking up your dogs poop!

While at a dog park, always be sure to keep a close eye on your pup. Dog parks are made for dogs to run freely, and have off leash play. Although, always remember that you are responsible for your dog. When saying you are responsible, you are responsible for all of your dog’s actions. Please make sure that your dog can play nicely with other dogs. If your dog cannot, they should not go to the dog park.

If you have a female dog, and they are in season/in heat, please do not bring them to the dog park. It is very important that only spayed and neutered dogs are recommended.

Center Pet hopes that you and your dogs follow the rules, and have a great time next trip to the dog park!  don’t forget our handy etiquette tips.

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